Election Night
by Nina Tryggvason
A car pulls into the parking lot.
MOUSTACHED MAN and RED HAT WOMAN get out and look around.
RED HAT WOMAN Are you sure this is the right place?
Moustached Man exaggeratedly rolls his eyes and dramatically points to an Elections Canada sign.
There are arrow signs directing foot traffic to the back of the school.
MOUSTACHED MAN You didn’t have to come if you didn’t want to vote.
They follow the signs around the side of the school.
RED HAT WOMAN You know that I can’t let your vote count.
A school gym set up for the election with seven tables in a horseshoe pattern.
The gym has 2 exterior doors, one of which is used to allow voters in and out. The other is closed. An interior door leading into the school is also closed.
Starting near the opened door are an information table, a registration table and five polling tables numbers 47 through
51. Each polling station has a table behind it with the voter screen.
CESAR (60′s), Information Officer, looks up at Moustached Man and Red Hat woman as they enter.
CESAR Do you have your voter cards?
Moustached Man holds out the two cards.
Red Hat Woman grins and takes hers from Moustached Man and hands it to Cesar.
Cesar glances at the card, and then points to polling station
CESAR (cont’d) Your polling station is 48.
Red Hat Woman smiles graciously.
RED HAT WOMAN I suppose you can vote too, since you drove me here.
Moustache Man gives Cesar a “What can you do” grin.
Cesar grins back awkwardly, not sure what to make of the pair.
MOUSTACHED MAN Well, dear, it’s not like I’m going to let your vote count.
Moustached Man and Red Hat Woman move to polling station 48.
Wandering the room are political party scrutineers – identified by name tags and party affiliation – RANDALL (50′s, conservative), and DOLORES (30′s liberal).
MARGARET (mid 30′s), her polling station supervisor ID Badge flapping, flits from polling table to polling table giving last minute instructions.
Margaret moves to the middle of the room, pausing for dramatic effect. She turns her ID badge so it lays flat and visible.
MARGARET Four minutes until the polls close.
A RELIEVED SIGH from some polling tables.
The room pace becomes a bit more frenzied as the LINED UP VOTERS get edgy and election staff process people as quickly as possible.
MARGARET (cont’d)Anyone in the doors by seven will be allowed to vote, no need to rush.
Margaret moves to the door. She smiles at Cesar. He smiles back and stretches his shoulders out.
MELDA (50′s), Ballot Officer of polling station 48 hands Moustached Man his ballot.
Melda waves at MIKE (60’s, her husband) at Polling station
MELDA Will you rub my back when we get home?
MIKE Most ballots gets the backrub, you know the rules.
Mike holds up five used ballot books triumphantly.
Melda looks sad at Mike, then waves six books back.
Mike pouts.
TANYA (20’s) Ballot Clerk at poll 47, sticks her tongue out at Melda and rubs Mike on the back.
Mike bats his eyes at Tanya, and teasingly puts his head on Tanya’s shoulder.
Melda glances at PARMINDER (30s) Ballot Clerk at 48, and starts to put her arm around her.
Parminder leans away from Melda, but continues to process the paperwork to issue Red Hat Woman her ballot.
PARMINDER We have a voter still.
Scowling, Melda stretches, covering off her playful behavior.
Mike and Tanya both stick out their tongues at Parminder.
PARMINDER (cont’d)Give her the ballot, please, Melda.
MELDA One voter at a time. He’s not done.
PARMINDER Margaret’s not watching, it’s the end of the night.
MELDA I worked the last election with Margaret, she’ll say that following the rules when we’re this tired ensures there’s no mistakes.
Parminder gives Margaret a hard look.
PARMINDER A bit young to be that curmudgeonly, isn’t she?
Moustached Man returns from the voting screen set up on a table behind the polling table and hands his ballot to Melda.
Melda smiles warmly, rips off the serial number tab and hands the ballot back.
MELDA Just drop it in the box.
MOUSTACHED MAN Okay if I hold my nose while I do it?
MILD LAUGHS – Melda and Parminder have heard this joke all day.
Moustached Man drops his ballot in the box and steps back.
Melda hands Red Hat Woman her ballot.
MELDA Just take it to the screen behind us, mark the candidate you want, fold it just like I have and come back here.
Red Hat Woman takes the ballot and grins at Moustache Man.
Howard (late 20′s) runs across the field, his overcoat billowing ominously.
Margaret smiles at DUNCAN (20’s) and SURJIT (20’s) working the registration table near the door.
MARGARET Might as well start packing up.
SURJIT You don’t think there’ll be a last minute rush?
MARGARET In my experience, no. Maybe one or two more.
Margaret moves to the door and peers into the night. She sees Howard running. She glances at the clock, two minutes to seven pm.
MARGARET (cont’d) (calling to Howard) Over here – hurry!
Howard startles at her voice. He keeps running across the field, angling away from the gym door.
While no one is following him, several blocks away there are stationary flickering police lights.
MARGARET (calling to Howard) Time’s running out!
Howard slows to a stop and then runs to Margaret and the beaconing open doors.
Howard pulls his black overcoat tightly around himself as he nearly collides with the exiting Moustache Man and Red Hat Woman.
MARGARET Sir, do you have your voter card?
HOWARD Voting card? Er, no.
Cesar gives Margaret a “you’re doing my job again” look.
MARGARET That’s okay, Cesar here can help you get sorted out.
Margaret smiles meekly at Cesar and then stares up at the clock.
MARGARET (cont’d) (to the room) One minute to closing.
Howard nods solemnly, catching his breath.
MARGARET (cont’d)You didn’t have to run that hard, I’da held the door.
Howard looks around the room, catching his breath.
HOWARD Thanks, how kind of you.
(to the room)The polls are now closed. All voters inside will be allowed to vote, but no one else will be allowed in.
Margaret closes the doors. CLANG.
Howard closes his eyes and exhales with relief.
Election workers at poll stations without voters waiting CHEER.
Election workers with voters waiting get more frantic to finish.
Howard tenses, looking at all the people. Like Napoleon, he slides his hand inside his overcoat.
MARGARET (cont’d)Cesar, after you help this gentleman determine what poll he should vote at, can you head outside and take down all the signs?
CESAR Sure, you want me to bring everything back in here?
MARGARET No, you can just leave everything in a box by my pick up – the red one just outside – then you can go.
CESAR My timesheet?
MARGARET I’ll add time for the takedown.
CESAR Thirty?
Margaret smiles and nods. Turning away from Cesar, she pulls out her cell phone and dials.
MARGARET Hey Babe, I’ve just locked the doors and we’re heading into the count. Heard any results?
Margaret smiles.
MARGARET (cont’d)I should be home within 2 hours. Love you. Bye.
Howard checks his watch and smiles.
HOWARD (to self)Two hours, that’s enough time.
He counts the remaining voters.
HOWARD (cont’d)
(to self)They’ll be expected home sooner. Patience. There’s plenty of time now.
Howard paces, dripping bits of reddish mud from his shoes.
Margaret puts her phone away and moves to polling station 47 with Mike, Ballot Officer, and Tanya, Ballot Clerk.
Cesar looks at Howard.
CESAR You got your driver’s license?
HOWARD That’s all you need? No proof of citizenship?
Cesar rolls his eyes and points to the wall signs explaining voting requirements.
CESAR Elections are an honour system. But you need to decide to vote now, people have to get home.
Howard LAUGHS.
Margaret skips polling station 48 and goes to 49 with VICKY (50’s, mom to Tanya at 47) and KYLE (20’s, grandson to Joyce at station 50).
VICKY Glad it’s over. Any word on who’s leading? I saw you on your cell.
Margaret smiles.
MARGARET Still too close, looks like our votes are really going to matter.
KYLE I dunno if I’d do this again. My shoulders are killing.
MARGARET Hey, $125 for a day’s work isn’t shabby.
In the background, Howard continues to stall handing over his identification.
KYLE Hey, will this count for co-op credits?
MARGARET You’d have to ask your advisor, I don’t know.
KYLE But you work for Elections Canada, right?
MARGARET No, I work for a federal department, but not Elections, I’m a one day temp worker like you.
Margaret gives a friendly smile to Dolores sitting behind the polling station with a clipboard full of marked up paper.
Howard quickly counts the remaining FIVE VOTERS and moves to the side of the room, studying the election rules signs very intently and seriously.
(to self)
Leave, just leave, get out, get
out. I have to hurry, doorman said.
Margaret at polling station 50 with SAVINE (20’s), Ballot Officer and JOYCE (70’s, grandmother to Kyle at 49), Ballot Clerk.
Margaret nods grimly to Randall. He pointedly ignores Margaret.
SAVINE Margaret, can you go over what we’re supposed to do.
Joyce rolls her eyes at Savine.
Margaret looks pointedly at their blank forms.
MARGARET I told you to pre-fill out the forms in the afternoon. Check your manuals for end of night procedures.
Margaret picks up the Officer/Clerk manual and opens it to the correct page.
Savine takes the manual for a closer look.
Margaret walks away. Randall follows her.
Savine gloats, points to a line on the page and hands Joyce the counting sheet.
Joyce scowls and starts sorting the paper work. She glances over to her grandson Kyle to see what he’s doing.
Kyle has the counting sheet out and all the forms and envelopes already pre-filled and neatly stacked.
Joyce smiles at him. He gives her a cheeky grin.
KYLE Need help, Gran?
Joyce shakes her head no.
Randall follows too closely behind Margaret. She stops and turns so quickly that Randall almost crashes into her.
MARGARET Don’t sneak up behind me.
RANDALL Is that in the scrutineer rules too?
MARGARET No, it’s not a rule, it’s a good practise you should implement so that a woman doesn’t mace you or punch you out on the street.
Randall is amused. Margaret is not.
RANDALL I expect that you will allow me a copy of each results sheet from every polling station.
MARGARET Yes, you can get one from everyone.
RANDALL Since there’s only one of me, will you let me audit each poll counting?
MARGARET You can float, but they’re all counting at the same time. It’s not my problem that your party only sent one of you.
RANDALL Fine, nice to know that you are capable of thinking beyond the strictest interpretation of the rules.
Margaret bites back a retort.
MARGARET You may relay any concerns you have about my enforcing rules to the District Officer. And be aware, that that is also an option available to me.
Randall turns on his heel and returns to the poll station.
Margaret walks away fuming to the final poll station.
DUNCAN Dude, you just need your license, you don’t need to read all that.
HOWARD Rules are structure.
Howard scratches at a patch of dried blood on his wrist.
DUNCAN (sotto voice) Whacko.
Surjit LAUGHS, nudges Duncan.
Surjit and Duncan watch Howard re-read the election rules, his hand never outside of his overcoat.
MALE COP AND FEMALE COP run across the field. They pause at the closed gym with the election signs and lights still on.
They hesitate. Male Cop stops, catches his breath. Female Cop stops and walks back.
MALE COP Maybe we should check in there?
FEMALE COP Our boy is all bloody, too noticeable. We’re going to lose him if we don’t keep after him.
Male Cop nods, approaches the door.
Cesar opens the door to allow VOTERS to exit.
CESAR Can I help you officer?
MALE COP Everything all right in there?
CESAR As quite as it normally is at the closing.
Female Cop nudges Male Cop.
Male Cop nods to Cesar. The Two Cops continue across the field.
Howard moves to the door. He glimpses the cops exiting the field as Cesar closes it. Howard is fighting back panic. He counts his fingers
furiously. Margaret waits for the TWO VOTERS at polling station 51 with
FLETCH (40’s, extreme geek) Ballot Officer and CHASE (30’s, corporate climber), Ballot Clerk. Cesar looks at Howard re-reading the rules.
CESAR Do you know your postal code? I can look up what booth and they can see if you’re on their list.
HOWARD I don’t send myself mail. Duncan gives Surjit a pained look. DUNCAN Mind if I just sneak out?
SURJIT Head out, no point everyone staying.
Duncan slips out of his chair and leans down to pick up his belongings from under the table. Cesar lets the LAST VOTERS and Duncan leave. Cesar waves Margaret over and then exits. Margaret comes back over.
MARGARET Looks like you’re the last one and…
HOWARD And what?
MARGARET Well, we can’t start counting until the last voter leaves….
HOWARD How long does it take to count?
MARGARET That’s not really relevant to your voting.
HOWARD Have it your way.
Howard looks at the room, counting people again. Only election staff remain.
Margaret moves impatiently forward to the door.
MARGARET You’re clearly not here to vote, so….
Smiling, he pulls a gun from the small of his back.
HOWARD Good, now, everyone, get over to that far wall.
Shocked silence. No one moves.
Howard points the gun at Surjit.
HOWARD (cont’d) Don’t make me talk in movie clichés.
MARGARET Move, everyone move to the wall.
Margaret waves everyone to move.
SCREAMING, GASPING, FIGHTING SOBS, they all scramble to the far wall, a wake of election material flutters to the ground.
Surjit stands resigned but defiant. His lips move in a silent prayer.
Margaret is fear frozen to the ground, her eyes pleading with Surjit.
HOWARD You move.
MARGARET Not without Surjit.
Howard smiles evilly.
HOWARD What do you care?
Margaret swallows her fear, hard, her face transforming into uber-bureaucrat.
MARGARET I’m the supervisor, I’m responsible for him.
HOWARD You want to take his place?
Margaret hesitates, her body edging forward and backwards at the same time.
MARGARET Does it matter? We’re all your hostages no matter where we stand.
Howard LAUGHS nervously. He runs his gun-free hand through his hair. He looks at Surjit and then at the other election workers.
HOWARD Go line up with them.
Surjit quickly moves to the wall and the safety of the group.
Margaret waits for Surjit to reach her.
SURJIT Thank you.
Margaret nods grimly, and then moves to the wall with him.
Margaret stops to return a knocked over ballot box to it’s standing position.
HOWARD This isn’t clean up time. Quit dawdling.
Margaret looks at the workers: all tired, drained and terrified. Vicky comforts Tanya. Joyce shields and fusses over Kyle. Chase and Randall stoic and rebelliously glaring at Howard. Parminder and Surjit in prayer.
Mike and Melda comforting each other. Fletch with his eyes closed in terror as if that will make Howard go away.
Dolores and Savine trying to control their tears and terror.
Margaret looks at the polling tables, paperwork, knocked over ballot boxes. She swallows and turns to face Howard.
MARGARET We have to count the ballots. HOWARD Are you kidding me?
MARGARET No, they have to be counted. I have to call in the results.
HOWARD No, no phone calls. MARGARET
If I don’t call, they will call. Howard paces, angry and unsure of himself. He counts his fingers with his thumb, a nervous reflex.
(muttering)Dammit, this is what happens when you go off plan. Plan, plan. New Plan. It’s too hot to think.
Howard removes his overcoat. His shirt is streaked with still fresh blood. His pants have large blood smears on them.
SCREAMS, the elections staff panic and clump together, everyone trying to hide behind someone else. Even Margaret steps back, stunned.
Howard smiles and calmly sets his overcoat on the information table.
HOWARD (cont’d) Just came from the wife’s apartment, didn’t have time to clean up first.
Near the front of the parking lot, Cesar takes down the arrow and Elections Canada signs from the school walls and various bushes.
CESAR How many of these did she put up?
The election staff are afraid, crying, comforting each other, sitting in shock.
Howard is pacing the room, but keeping his eyes on the election staff, counting them.
Margaret sizes Howard up, swallows hard and steps towards him.
MARGARET Election results are reported live. I have to call in.
The election workers become hopeful, someone is doing something.
SURJIT Yeah man, the nation’s watching.
DOLORES Give yourself up, whatever you’ve done, don’t make it worse with hostage taking.
Just let us call the police, turning yourself in will make it easier on you.
RANDALL Typical liberal coddling. Look at the state of him, do you think he’s worried about making things worse?
DOLORES You really want to get political right now?
RANDALL Wait until you get mugged, see how liberal you are then.
DOLORES Hello! Being held hostage, and I’m still a liberal.
HOWARD Shut up!
Margaret LAUGHS nervously.
MARGARET There’s no political discussions allowed in the polling station.
Margaret shakes her head in disbelief.
HOWARD Political debate is the last of your concerns.
MARGARET We still have to count the ballots. Regardless of other concerns.
From the wall, several heads nod exaggeratedly.
HOWARD I’m thinking. Give me a freaking minute.
Howard paces, looking around the room. He sees the wall clock.
Howard (cont’d)What’s the time frame for reporting?
Margaret calculates. She glances at the workers. Like a game show audience, most call out their best ad hoc
Fourty minutes or less. Hour and a half max.
Mike gestures for less time.
Depends on how many phone lines they have to respond to the poll stations. You have to add for recounting and verification
Parminder gestures for more.
It takes as long as it takes.
Howard threatens them with the gun, and they fall silent and back into their coping techniques.
He looks at Margaret.
HOWARD Your final answer?
MARGARET It really depends on how many votes were cast.
HOWARD (to Margaret)Your best guess.(to election staff)And no more lifelines.
Margaret looks balefully at the staff, then tries to look at Howard’s face, the least blood covered area of him.
Margaret looks at the floor quickly, then up at the ceiling as she replies.
MARGARET Usually at least one table finishes in about 30 minutes, up to ninety minutes for everyone to be finished and verified.
HOWARD So, I have ninety minutes to come up with a new plan then.
MARGARET No, you have thirty. Less actually, I’m supposed to phone and let them know we’re starting the count.
MARGARET (cont’d)I’m sorry, people, but the district office is expecting several calls, most of you know this.
HOWARD How are you so sure?
MARGARET I’ve worked every Federal and Provincial election for the last ten years, this is my third time as a supervisor.
HOWARD Aren’t you just a keener.
MARGARET No, I like to give back to my community.
HOWARD Yeah, and what’s the community ever done for you?
Margaret is at a loss to respond. She opens and closes her mouth and then just shuts up.
Howard gets closer to her, waiting overly dramatically for her answer.
RANDALL Look, you have no reason for holding us, just leave and go back to whatever you were doing.
HOWARD Well, when The Man’s right The Man is right. I’ll just shoot you all now and leave.
SOBS, physical shielding and comforting all along the wall.
Margaret dives behind a polling station, hiding behind the cardboard ballot box.
MARGARET You could also just leave. Please just leave.
Howard stops pacing and gives her an incredulous look.
HOWARD Leave witnesses? That’s never good planning.
Howard looks at his watch, then the exit door. His nefarious plan now forgotten, Howard coolly looks over the hostage election workers.
HOWARD (cont’d) (sotto voice) What to do, what to do.
(to Margaret)That little bit of cardboard won’t stop a bullet, no matter how many people voted law and order.
Howard, on his free hand, uses his thumb to count his fingers.
Margaret stands up, feeling stupid and unprotected.
MARGARET None of us know what you’ve done, except for in here threatening us.
Joyce, Dolores and Randall are alternately defiant or soothing towards Howard.
JOYCE What could we say anyway? We don’t know what you’re running from.
DOLORES The most we could say is we saw you after the fact.
HOWARD With all this blood on me, you can’t guess what I’ve done?
MARGARET We can guess, but there’s nothing we can say except, we saw a guy covered in blood.
Randall sneers but says nothing.
HOWARD How do I know that for sure?
DOLORES The same way we know you aren’t going to hurt us. Trust.
All others nod their heads, promising to not be witnesses.
Howard looks deeply at each person. They give him their most earnest supportive and forgiving look.
Howard sneers, seeing only targets.
Mike sits with his arm around Melda, comforting each other.
Tanya sits protectively over Vicky.
Kyle sits close to Joyce, too cool to seek her comfort, but clearly wanting it.
MARGARET You came in, scared us, delayed the count, but no one’s hurt here. Just go back the way you came to the school – the cops…Are they looking for you yet?
He gives Margaret a charming smile. He starts to edge to the door.
HOWARD Yes, they are looking for me. I phoned them myself to make sure.
Margaret steps back away from Howard. She looks to the election staff.
Election Staff MURMERS IN SHOCK.
Howard turns to the door. Someone’s missing. He glances at the election rules signs.
Howard turns back to Margaret.
HOWARD (cont’d)Where’s that old guy who wanted my driver’s license?
Margaret hesitates.
Howard grabs and shakes Margaret, transferring some blood to her clothes.
Randal and Chase jump up and move in on Howard.
Howard pushes Margaret into the two, nearly knocking them down.
Randal loses his footing and falls to the ground.
Chase manages to keep himself and Margaret upright.
Howard points the gun.
MARGARET He’s taking down the signs and going home. He won’t know what’s happening. He’s probably done and gone by now.
Howard looks at Margaret with rare respect. He lowers the gun.
Imminent danger over, Fletch stands up by Chase.
Margaret looks nervously at the door, hoping that Cesar doesn’t knock.
HOWARD You’re not so bad at the criminal thinking.
Randal gets up and sits with the rest of the election staff.
Margaret rubs blood flakes off her arm.
MARGARET We’re not having a moment here.
HOWARD Just a reflex. I’m not a bad guy, I didn’t plan this, it’s not my fault, you called me in here and I didn’t think. Doesn’t pay to not think, stick to the plan, stick to the plan. This totally screws my plan.
Margaret picks up ballot box 51, holding it in front of her as an emotional shield, a silent plea for civilization and a sense of authority.
Fletch winces.
(whispering to Chase)Should we report her for touching our box?
Chase SNORT LAUGHS and then elbows Fletch.
MARGARET Can we get to counting in the meantime? While you think up a new plan?
HOWARD Change the song, sister! Are you really that dedicated that you don’t understand that I am the one with the gun?
Margaret flinches and clutches the ballot box tighter, her only touchstone of her previous life.
(fighting hysteria)I understand you have the gun. Do you understand we still have to count these ballots?
HOWARD I don’t care about ballots.
Howard runs and kicks a ballot box across the gym floor. It caves a bit, but doesn’t open or spill ballots.
A few short TERROR SQUEALS at Howard’s outburst.
HOWARD (cont’d)The system is whacked, corrupt. Better if no-one voted, no more politicians.
Dolores restrains Randall.
DOLORES (under her breath to Randall) Don’t play hero.
MARGARET Look, you need time to think up a new plan. Decide what to do. Right?
MARGARET If I don’t call in results, the district office will send someone here. That will make it harder on you, right?
Howard gets into Margaret’s face.
HOWARD Harder on someone.
Margaret withdraws slightly, overcome with fear. In an instant, she composes herself and gets right back in Howard’s face.
MARGARET No one will be served by a District Officer with the cops banging on the door. So, take the time while they count to think of what you want to do before I’m expected to be calling in the first ballots.
HOWARD Because I can watch them better if they are in a group.
MARGARET In a group, they can communicate easily with each other – at separate tables, they can’t.
A collective moan and betrayed grunts from the workers.
Randall jumps to his feet.
RANDALL Whose’s side do you think you’re on?
Howard re-appraises Margaret while pointing the gun at Randall.
HOWARD I see that election supervising isn’t all you do.
Randall stands taller, sneering.
RANDALL Unbelievable, Stockholm Syndrome has happened in mere minutes before our very eyes.
Dolores and Joyce scoot away from Randall, forcing the election staff to move along the bench.
MARGARET Randall, you will never know how far wrong you are. For once in your life SHUT UP. I’m in charge of the polling station.
RANDALL You’re not in a position to make me leave anymore, Margaret.
MARGARET I knew I’d regret not kicking you out this afternoon,
(stress laughs)
Margaret fights to keep calm, turning so the workers can see her pleading eyes.
RANDALL We could all rush him and overtake him. Statistically, anyone shot would be wounded, not killed.
Randall dismisses Margaret with a sneer.
RANDALL (cont’d) There’s thirteen of us.
Margaret flinches at his exclusion of her.
KYLE Doesn’t mean anyone wants to be one of your statistics.
Kyle gives Margaret a supportive look. She smiles thankfully.
RANDALL The people on the 9/11 planes thought they were just hostages and decided to wait it out.
FLETCH You can’t hijack a school into a building.
Howard LAUGHS at Fletch.
RANDALL As I was saying, complacency kills.
KYLE He doesn’t look like a terrorist.
TANYA Isn’t that anyone who causes terror?
VICKY Tanya, be quiet. Vicky pulls Tanya closer and shields her from Howard.
HOWARD I’m a terror all right, now shut up and sit down.
Randall looks with disgust at his co-hostages. RANDALL None of you are worth saving if you won’t fight for your own life.
Margaret reacts like his words are a whip aimed solely at her. Kyle flips Randall The Finger. Randall sits down between Dolores and Surjit. Chase makes significant eye contact with Randall and then
looks disgusted at his co-captives. Joyce clutches Kyle’s arm. Chase, Surjit, Savine, Tanya and Mike, shift in preparation
to jump and run, they look to Randall for leadership. Randall acknowledges them with a nod. Collective breath holding as the group of seven stand. Howard pulls out a second gun from the small of his back,
holding both guns on them. HOWARD Does this change your statistical analysis? Resolve weakens individually. Everyone settles back on the bench, with Randall the last one to sit. RANDALL None of you. Worth a damn.
Margaret lets her breath out. She sags under the weight of the authority being returned to her.
Howard Who has to be at tables to count?
MARGARET The ballot officers and the clerks.
HOWARD Two people to count ballots?
MARGARET The officer counts, the clerk marks it down.
HOWARD Two people to count?
MARGARET It’s to ensure honesty.
Howard SNORTS.
RANDALL We’re supposed to be allowed to watch them count, to challenge them if they don’t do it right.
DOLORES You mean if they declare your votes spoiled.
MARGARET Randall, this really is not normal circumstances.
HOWARD Anyone who absolutely does not have to count stays against the wall.
Everyone scrambles to their polling station tables, leaving Randall, Dolores and Surjit against the wall.
Vicky heads down the gym to retrieve her ballot box from where Howard kicked it.
Either mechanically or in flat panic, each polling station staff prepares to count ballots.
Howard waves his gun at Margaret to move back to the wall.
Margaret is a bit stunned and stops cold.
Howard (cont’d)Problem?
MARGARET Well, I make sure they’re doing it right…
HOWARD You can do it from there, they can call out.
Margaret, disappointed, moves to the wall.
Randall gloats as Margaret takes a seat.
MARGARET Can I call in to say we’ve started counting?
Howard chews his bottom lip. He moves closer to Dolores.
HOWARD Okay, but you say anything suspicious, or even just sound strange, and she dies.
Howard bends a bit to look at Dolores’ name tag.
HOWARD (cont’d)It will be your fault if Dolores dies.
Margaret swallows hard.
Dolores gives Margaret a terrified look.
Margaret dials her phone.
Collective breath is held. CLOCK TICKING
(filtered)Wildwood District Office. Fiona speaking.
(on phone)It’s Margaret Thompson at Trudeau Elementary.
FIONA (OS) (filtered) You guys all clear?
Margaret looks at Dolores.
Dolores shakes her head no in tiny terrified movements. Howard leers beside her, pressing his gun against her temple.
(on phone)We’re counting. I’ll call in votes when I can.
FIONA (OS) (filtered) Sounds great, you sound tired.
MARGARET (on phone) Talk to you later, Fiona.
Margaret hangs up.
Dolores slumps with relief. Howard gives her a rough shove to the wall.
Dolores hits it and slides back down to the bench. She trembles.
Randall shakes his head in disgust at Margaret.
Margaret looks at him, tears in her eyes.
MARGARET (cont’d)(whisper to Randall)I’m supposed to let him shoot her?
Randall nods.
Margaret looks away, too stunned to respond. She looks out at the officers and clerks prepping to count.
Margaret tries to catch someone’s…anyone’s…eye.
As they prep their polling stations, none of the officers or clerks look to her.
While putting the election materials under the table, Mike and Chase covertly make moves to access their cell phones.
Melda has trouble removing the seal on her ballot box and frustrated strikes it, drawing everyone’s attention to her with a LOUD BOX RIPPING.
Howard watches each table and the people against the wall in a repetitive pattern.
Howard does not appear to notice Mike and Chase’s attempts to free their cell phones from their cooler or jacket on the cooler pocket.
When all tables have nothing but the ballot box and counting sheets, Margaret clears her throat.
Howard turns on her.
Mike slips his small cell phone into his pants pocket.
MARGARET (cont’d)
Ballot officers may open their
ballot boxes.
The ballot boxes are opened and upended, ballots fall to the tables. The counting begins.
Howard tucks his second gun back into the small of his back.
Cesar lugs a box full of the election signs. He places the box by the red pick up truck.
Cesar smiles at the rainbow bumper sticker. He glances back at the closed doors.
CESAR Nice cheat to have a political sign within the polling zone.
He glances across the field at the distant glow of flashing police lights.
He looks to the gym door. He steps towards the door.
CESAR (cont’d)Ah, she’ll probably make me take down the extra tables and chairs.
Cesar walks towards the parking lot and his own car.
He glances at his watch. He looks back at the door.
A SEDAN CAR pulls into the lot.
Cesar walks into the parking lot to meet it.
The car pulls up beside him.
LANA (40’s) rolls down her window.
CESAR (cont’d)The polls are closed.
LANA I voted earlier, I’m picking up my mom and son, they were working the election. Are they done counting yet?
Cesar looks back at the school.
CESAR They had to wait for one last voter. You could wait here.
LANA Could you just pop in and let Kyle and Joyce know that their ride’s here?
Cesar fidgets, not wanting to help with taking down the furniture.
CESAR They don’t open the doors once counting starts. Security reasons.
Lana nods sagely.
LANA Thanks, I’ll just pull in and wait.
Cesar grins with relief.
CESAR That’s the best. Good Night.
Cesar heads to his car.
Howard paces like a caged tiger.
When Howard is facing away from Mike and Tanya, Tanya slips Mike’s phone into her lap.
The counting is underway. Each Ballot Officer takes a ballot from the pile and quietly reads the name for the clerk to mark on the count sheet.
CLOCK TICKING, HOWARD PACING dominates the murmurs of candidate names.
Mike, instead of counting, starts sorting the ballots into piles while Tanya apparently watches.
Tanya is keeping her eye on Howard, watching him pace in a clear repetitive pattern.
Tanya glances to the near entrance door, judging the distance.
Randall looks at Dolores, significantly eyeing the side door.
Dolores’ eyes widen, looking pointedly at the rest of the hostages.
Randall sneers and shrugs. Dolores is horrified.
Randall nudges Surjit and uses his eyes to direct Surjit to the door.
Surjit gives Randall a faint nod. Randall grimly nods.
RANDALL (sotto voice) Signal.
SURJIT (sotto voice) What?
RANDALL (sotto voice) You’ll know.
Randal inclines his head at Dolores.
RANDALL (cont’d) (sotto voice) Take her.
Surjit nods, taps his heart.
Chase flips his phone open.
FLETCH (whispering) You’re not marking…
CHASE (whispering) Seriously?
Fletch looks at Howard, shakes his head in answer to Chase. He continues to read the names on the ballots, a bit louder to give Chase sound cover.
Margaret silently pleads with Chase to be careful.
Howard sees Margaret fidgeting.
HOWARD What’s the matter with you?
Tanya makes a face at Margaret, who has caused Howard to break his pace-pattern.
MARGARET Mike isn’t doing it right, can I go to him?
Chase dials 911 and slips the phone into his lap.
HOWARD Are you seriously saying Mike can’t count?
Howard turns to laugh at Mike.
Howard (cont’d) Mike, she thinks you haven’t learned to count!
Howard walks over to Mike’s table.
Tanya freezes, desperately clutching Mike’s cell phone between her knees.
MARGARET Mike’s going to count twice, effectively.
MIKE I wanted to sort them and then count. That’s not twice.
CHASE Careful, she’ll get the POLICE after you.
Chase nods to Margaret.
Margaret advances to Mike, keeping Howard’s attention on her.
MARGARET (louder for the cell phone)At Trudeau Elementary, there’s-
HOWARD What can it possibly matter? He’s counting either way.
MARGARET Because we need to get counts quickly and accurately, the time spent sorting is wasted. I can’t explain this with you waving that gun around.
Howard whips around, looking for the source of the sound.
Chase tries to hide the cell phone, but it slips from his lap and CLATTERS to the floor.
Howard walks towards Chase, gun aimed at his head. Chase dives for the phone.
CHASE Trudeau Sch–
Howard FIRES.
SOUND OF CHASE WETLY UNABLE TO BREATH dominates the various ad libbed screams of “Chase!” “No!” “Run” “Hide”
Margaret is frozen in a fast changing tableau. The bullet catches Chase in the throat. Chase opens and closes his mouth. Fletch dives sideways for cover, holding the ballot box. Chase clutches at his throat as he falls. Randall rushes Howard. Surjit breaks for the side door with Dolores in tow. Howard turns and FIRES into Randall’s stomach. Mike, Melda, Tanya and Parminder run out the other door. Kyle, Vicky, Savine and Joyce dive under tables. Entrance doors CLANG shut. SOBBING, Joyce shields Kyle. Randall MOANS, clutching his red blossomed stomach. END SHOTS – RETURN TO SCENE Howard turns, RAGGED BREATHING and nearly hysterical, on
Margaret. HOWARD Get them back in here! MARGARET
I can’t do that! Stalemate. Margaret closes her eyes and WHIMPERS. Howard moves close, nose to nose.
HOWARD But Margaret, they didn’t finish counting.
Angry terror tears pour down Margaret’s face. Howard LAUGHS.
HOWARD (cont’d)It doesn’t matter, it just means the police will come here instead, it’s fine, perfect in fact.
Howard opens the door Surjit and Dolores exited through.
EXT. SCHOOL – CONTINUOUS Dolores and Surjit break left and hug the building contours. Melda, Tanya and Parminder run right around the corner to the
front parking lot. Mike hugs the doorway, waiting for Howard to burst out. Howard stands in the doorway Dolores and Surjit fled from.
(screaming)I wanted one of you gutless wonders to make a break for it!
Dolores and Surjit run across the field in the direction of the flashing police lights. Howard fires at them. SURJIT Different directions, find a phone!
Dolores runs harder back the way Howard had come from. Surjit strikes off across the field, running a zig zag pattern.
Howard scowls, fires three wild shots at Dolores. Dolores CRIES OUT, clutches her arm and keeps running.
MARGARET Why didn’t you just leave?
HOWARD It’s your fault they got shot, you’re the supervisor, you told them to challenge me.
Margaret looks to Chase, a blood halo forming under his head, a urine pool near his groin and blood drips from his mouth.
Vicky rocks under the table in self comfort.
VICKY (sotto voce) Run, Tanya, run.
Randall MOANS.
MARGARET I offered for you to leave, you didn’t.
Kyle shifts away from Joyce. He watches Howard intently and then looks at Joyce. Joyce pleads with her eyes, shaking her head. Kyle looks back to Howard.
HOWARD So, you’re accepting the responsibility for their deaths, supervisor?
Joyce grabs his arm and nods her head at Chase. Kyle deflates, his tear tearing in frustration.
Howard moves to Chase’s table. He puts the fired gun down.
MARGARET Of course I’m not, you shot them, I didn’t want that to happen.
HOWARD Then you shouldn’t have been encouraging any of them to use their cell phones. I see everything.
Margaret strangles back a sob.
MARGARET What are we supposed to do? Wait for you to decide what to do to us?
HOWARD It’s too late to try to count now.
Howard picks up the gun. He marches to the nearest door and looks out at Dolores exiting the playing field.
He smiles.
HOWARD (cont’d) Here little piggy, piggy.
He SLAMS the door shut.
Melda, Parminder and Tanya run into the parking lot.
Lana gets out of her car and approaches the four.
PARMINDER Run, go away, don’t go there!
Melda breaks for her SUV.
LANA Are Kyle and Joyce coming out soon?
Mike comes running into the parking lot.
MELDA What were you doing?
Mike shoves his hands in his pockets.
MIKE I wanted to see if he’d chase after us, maybe get his gun away.
MELDA Play at hero? Mike, he’s younger than you, and he’s not afraid to shoot to kill!
MIKE LANA My car keys are inside the Kill? Who’s shooting? Who’s school. dead?
MELDA (cont’d)We’ll just go across the street to a house.
LANA Is the counting over? Did you come from the school?
Melda zooms in on Lana, her presence finally registering.
MELDA Do you have a cell phone?
TANYA Please, my mom’s still in there, he’s got a gun!
Lana mechanically heads for the door.
LANA Kyle, Mom.
Mike grabs Lana and restrains her.
MIKE He’s fired twice, he may have already wounded or killed someone, you can’t go there.
LANA My son, my mother…
TANYA And my mother, we have to get help, lady please, we can’t just go charging in there.
Lana freezes to the spot, torn. With a cold resolve on her face, Lana gets into her car and grabs her purse.
TANYA (cont’d) Hurry.
Parminder pulls out her keys and gets into her car. She sits behind the wheel and weeps with relief. She says a prayer.
Lana pulls out her phone. She dials 911.
LANA What do I say?
MIKE A crazy man is holding them hostage, seven, maybe nine. He’s fired twice, someone may be wounded..
LANA Or killed. Oh gawd, oh gawd, Kyle, not Kyle.
911 OPERATOR (OS) (filtered) Police, Fire or Ambulance
LANA (on phone) Police.
Mike holds out his hand, taking the phone. He moves away to talk, glancing back, almost disappointed, that they weren’t followed.
Parminder backs her car out of the parking spot.
Tanya blocks her from pulling out further. She runs to the driver’s side.
Parminder rolls down the window.
Melda hugs Lana.
MELDA It wasn’t Kyle, Kyle was at the table next to me. The young man fired at was farther away.
Lana cries with relief.
TANYA Where are you going?
PARMINDER Home, my family needs me.
TANYA My Mom’s still in there, you can’t leave.
PARMINDER I can’t help your mom, I have children who need their mom. The police will come now. Please leave my car, I must get home to my babies.
Tanya backs away, horrified, from Parminder’s car.
LANA And my mother? Joyce?
MELDA They were both fine when we were there.
TANYA How can she just leave us here like that?
Mike hands Lana back the cell phone.
(to Tanya)She’s entitled to go home to her family, there’s nothing she can do to help.
LANA What happened, how did you escape?
MIKE Can you take us to the District Office, it’s only a few blocks, we need to let them know what’s happening.
LANA But can’t you call them? We can’t just leave….
Tanya looks smugly at Mike.
MIKE Well, my manual with the district office phone number’s in the school, and I can’t exactly go and get it. We need to get the police, we can’t help from out here.
Tanya deflates.
TANYA But my mom…
Tanya cries uncontrollably. Melda hugs her and makes soothing sounds.
Lana holds out her car keys to Mike.
Tanya looks back at the school.
LANA I’m not leaving without my family.
TANYA Me neither.
MIKE You may still be in danger here.
TANYA Not as much as they are in there.
LANA And other people may be coming to pick up other election workers. We’ll have to warn them.
Mike takes the keys.
MIKE Don’t try to be heros.
TANYA I ran, that’s not heroic. Leaving people behind.
Mike gives her a gentle look.
MIKE We’re getting help to save them, the district office can phone Margaret and get a police negotiator talking to the gunman.
TANYA Cold comfort if my mom dies in there.
MIKE Would it feel better to your family if you both did? Tanya, living to fight another day is more heroic than dying.
Tanya steps back towards the gym doors, resisting Mike’s wisdom. She SOBS, breaking from deep inside herself.
TANYA You better get going, Mike.
Lana moves to Tanya. Mike and Melda to Lana’s car.
The six non-wounded helplessly watch Randall slowly bleeding to death on the floor.
Howard pulls his second gun out.
Howard In case you’re counting, there’s now enough loaded bullets for everyone in the room. Move to the wall.
Howard pulls more bullets from his pants pocket.
Kyle stands and helps Joyce from under her table.
Vicky and Savine lean on each other as they make their way to the side bench.
Fletch crawls from under table 51, WHIMPERING as he crawls by Chase’s body to the bench against the wall.
Margaret moves mechanically, pausing to kneel by Randall.
MARGARET Half got away.
Randall nods, clenching his mouth shut against a trickle of blood. He swallows hard.
HOWARD Leave him.
MARGARET He needs first aid, let me make him comfortable.
Howard waves with the gun for Margaret to move.
MARGARET Randall, I’m sorry I didn’t kick you out this afternoon when you kept pushing the rules.
Reluctantly, Margaret moves to the bench, sitting near the others.
RANDALL Then you and that liberal Dolores wouldn’t have to think kindly of me in your twilight years.
Margaret tears up and stress laughs.
MARGARET Even natural enemies can make friends, eh?
Randall gives Margaret a weak smile.
Howard walks up to Randall.
HOWARD Well, Mr. Hero. Is it like in the movies? Feeling cold, vision dimming?
RANDALL I might live longer than you yet, fuckhead.
HOWARD I was trying to be nice to you, but you just won’t let me. Fine, have it your way.
Howard kicks Randall’s foot, driving his leg up into his torso.
Randall SCREAMS.
Joyce and Savine scream in terror.
HOWARD (cont’d)No fucking chance you’re outliving me.
MARGARET Leave him be!
Margaret slides off the bench to a kneeling position, nearer Randall and the spreading blood puddle.
Margaret fights off tears as she grabs a coat for a pillow and a sweater against his stomach to try to staunch the bleeding.
MARGARET (cont’d) If we can just get pressure, maybe…
Randall touches her wrist. His eyes are moist. He shakes his head no.
Margaret touches her throat briefly and then clutches Randall’s hand.
RANDALL Thank you for not kicking me out when I pushed the rules.
Randall rests his head on the coat. He reluctantly pulls his hand from Margaret’s and holds the sweater tightly to his wound.
Howard looks scornfully at Margaret.
HOWARD Didn’t figure you for a daddy complex.
Margaret glares at Howard.
MARGARET Compassion isn’t a complex.
HOWARD Don’t know the meaning of the word. I had a bad upbringing.
Randall rolls his eyes. Margaret leans in, concerned. He winks at her. She smiles.
MARGARET Small comfort to you that I’m starting to have some right wing feelings about crime?
Howard starts to pace, looking at his watch, looking at the wall clocks, running his hand through his hair, counting bullets from his pocket, counting his captives.
HOWARD They should be here by now, they should have alerted the police.
Kyle holds Joyce to shield her from the sight of Chase.
KYLE It’s okay Gran. It’ll be okay.
Joyce pulls away. She touches Kyle’s face.
JOYCE I’ve seen worse, I just hoped never to again. Or you in the middle of it.
Howard SNORTS and moves to table 51.
Savine buries her faces in her hands, weeping in terror.
Vicky sits in shock, clutching an open locket with Tanya’s baby and teen photos.
Fletch watches Howard intently.
Howard moves back to Chase’s table and picks up the fired gun.
Howard steps over Chase and then sits in his chair.
Howard reloads the gun.
RANDALL You may as well use his cell to call police and an ambulance.
The sweater has absorbed some of the blood pool around Randall.
HOWARD Why do I want to call an ambulance?
RANDALL For me, to reduce the severity of your crime. Don’t you watch any police shows?
HOWARD No, I don’t find forensics or police work interesting. And, frankly, I’m not finished my so called crime yet. Sorry you won’t be around for the end of it, bleeding out as you are.
Randall clutches the sweater tighter to his stomach and scowls at Howard.
MARGARET What? They’ll call the police, you won’t escape now. Why not end it now?
HOWARD Because I’m not finished yet, this isn’t how this night is ending. This was not in my plan, but, I have to be flexible, circumstances change. Stupid therapist, what do they know about flexible when they won’t see you without an appointment?Do you have any idea how hard flexible is? There’s no routine, no structure.
JOYCE What was your old plan then? It couldn’t have involved us.
Howard grins at her. He peers at her name tag.
HOWARD Clever, Joyce. These young people these days, they never think to ask the right questions, do they? Too much in a hurry, or maybe just self absorbed or self important.
Fletch scowls at Howard.
JOYCE Aren’t you one of the so-called young people who don’t think?
KYLE Gran! Don’t antagonize him.
HOWARD Don’t worry about that Kyle, I have a lot of respect for old women; so I’m not totally unredeemable.
Howard stands up, stepping over Chase.
Howard (cont’d)My old plan, Joyce, was to lead the police back to my apartment.
Howard checks his watch.
Howard (cont’d)Where, in ten minutes, well, the cops probably won’t be there, but the neighbors will have an interesting evening watching the election results, won’t they?
MARGARET Don’t you need to be at your apartment for whatever this event is in ten minutes?
Margaret jumps, but makes no move to answer it.
HOWARD Answer it, it doesn’t matter now. The ones who abandoned you will already have told on you, Margaret.
Margaret answers her phone.
MARGARET (on phone)We’re being held hostage.
Howard LAUGHS.
HOWARD They’ve shackled you more than I have.
Uncomfortable shuffling along the wall.
(filtered)Margaret, we’re waiting for counts…what?
(on phone)The gunman’s killed Chase and shot a conservative scrutineer, Randall. He needs an ambulance.
FIONA (OS)(filtered)That’s not funny Margaret.
MARGARET (on phone)Not joking.
Howard waves at her to give more detail. Margaret turns around so as to not look at Howard. Savine looks at Margaret, hope on her tear soaked face.
(Filtered)Oh gawd, I have to get Tyler, Margaret, stay on the line.
MARGARET They want me to hold. HOWARD
Hang up.
SAVINE Stay on the line. FLETCH Don’t hang up.
You said I could talk.
HOWARD They’ll call back, you’re wasting minutes and battery power.
Margaret clutches the phone like a life line.
MARGARET You’re worried about my phone plan?
HOWARD If you’d rather run down your battery so they can’t call, that’s just more death on account of your bad judgement.
Margaret hangs up with a look of pure unadulterated hatred.
HOWARD (cont’d)I’m guessing there’s no judgement qualifications for supervisory, just regurgitating rules at people.
SAVINE Don’t trust him!
HOWARD What choice do you have?
SAVINE You said you wouldn’t hurt us.
HOWARD Did everyone think I said that?
Savine, Vicky and Fletch nod, putting on their best hopeful Bambi faces.
Howard looks tenderly at each one.
Savine smiles, relief emanating from her body
HOWARD (cont’d)Clearly you two watch too much TV.
KYLE Why are the cops after you? You owe us that.
HOWARD I owe you nothing.
KYLE You’re gonna kill us for no reason?
HOWARD Is there a reason that would make you feel good about it?
Kyle is taken aback.
HOWARD (cont’d)I really want to know, Kyle, would my having a good reason make you less dead?
Joyce clutches Kyle. Kyle shrinks into her embrace.
HOWARD (cont’d)You’re not even living now, this isn’t going to make a difference in the world.
Randall COUGHS and GROANS.
RANDALL Margaret, please tell them I need an ambulance.
HOWARD Randal, Randal. What to do. I should trade you for a cop. You’ve certainly earned it, helping the other escape.
Randall closes his eyes, gratefully in prayer of thanks.
Margaret releases her held breath, her body relaxing, and a genuine smile on her face. The relief wave washes through the captives. Howard scowls in annoyance.
HOWARD (cont’d)But, I’m not going to. It’s not fair to the others.
Everyone hesitates. HOWARD (cont’d)
You’re dying in here with us. Margaret freezes in cold fury. The workers panic at the “us” with frantic AD LIBBED PLEADING
and squirming. Savine KEENS. Vicky fails to comfort her. Howard looks around. Chase’s body. Knocked over ballot boxes
and ballots on the floor. Howard (cont’d)I guess there’s no way to sort these out now. MARGARET Not really the main worry. HOWARD It’s been your main worry all night. Ballots, not them. Nice
supervisor you all have. Margaret jumps to her feet and moves to Howard. Fletch grabs Margaret and pulls her back. Margaret resists, pulling away. Amused, Howard holds up a gun. Randall is shivering and shaking slightly on the floor.
RANDALL Not worth it, Margaret, it’s not.
Margaret stops, forces herself to calm down.
MARGARET That’s when I thought you might be able to be reasoned with.
HOWARD Reasoned with? That’s just code for made to do what you want.
Margaret snaps and advances on Howard.
MARGARET There’s nothing about this night that’s anywhere close to what I want.
Howard keeps smiling and holding the gun.
MARGARET (cont’d)I’m supposed to be loading those damn ballots and taking them back to the district office and going home. I do this out of civic duty. Something you know nothing about.
HOWARD Touchy.
Margaret calms down and stops advancing.
MARGARET If I had known what you might plan, I would have agreed with Randall to rush you.
Randall LAUGHS.
RANDALL See, it does just takes being a victim…
Shivering and sweating, Randall coughs, blood dripping from his mouth. His fingers and lips are blue tinged. His eyes flutter backwards.
Margaret kneels down. She touches his throat and then checks for breath.
Randall’s face goes slack, his body limp. Bloody urine seeps through his pants to form a second pool of bodily fluid.
KYLE Gross.
Savine clutches Vicky, and sobs.
Joyce looks sadly at Randall. She shakes her head.
JOYCE An undignified end for man of dignity.
HOWARD There’s no dignity in death, no matter how much pretention of dignity one had in life.
MARGARET Have you no respect?
HOWARD Is respect the new hypocrite? You didn’t like him. Politics. Lying politicians, who needs’em?
VICKY They help for an orderly society.
HOWARD I’m not here to discuss civilization, I’m here to kill us
Then just do it.
Don’t. No!
Not Kyle! No!
Savine breaks down in tears. SAVINE Please, no, please god, no. Vicky clutches Savine, both women weeping. VICKY Shhh. Shhh. Be brave.
Fletch cries softly.
FLETCH There must be something, some way.
Howard approaches Margaret, walking around her, taunting her verbally and with the gun frequently touching her head and face.
HOWARD What? You don’t want to prolong your life for just a few precious more minutes? Beg to live?
MARGARET Would begging work?
Howard stops behind her. He COCKS THE GUN.
Margaret holds her breath, her eyes fluttering open and shut, bracing for the bullet.
Howard continues walking around her.
MARGARET Any chance you just want to suicide by cops and leave us as witness to your last big speech before the cops kick in the doors?
Howard stops in front of Margaret.
MARGARET And no chance that you want to survive this night?
Howard stands in front of Margaret, the still cocked gun leveled right between her eyes.
Margaret and Howard stare at each other over the gun barrel. Howard leers godlike. Margaret does Garbo at the end of Queen Christina – regal and
blank faced.
Howard shifts closer. His breath fast and hard enough to shift Margaret’s hair slightly in the otherwise still air. Margaret’s Garbo is becoming bored. Without lowering the gun from Margaret’s brow, Howard
carefully pulls the hammer fully back with his thumb.
He makes a “Oooo, I might make a mistake face” trying to rattle Margaret. She remains blank. Keeping secure and firm control of the hammer, he pulls the
trigger and lets the hammer down into the gun’s frame slowly and gently.
Collective release of breath. Howard backs up from the group. He nods to the others, indicting Margaret to join them.
The remaining workers look at Margaret in awe. Savine stops crying. Fletch is teary. Margaret slowly and calmly sits down with the others.
HOWARD You don’t have anyone at home waiting for you?
MARGARET Yes, I do, with a hot dinner.
KYLE Like you care how many people we have caring about us.
HOWARD You’re right, I don’t. Howard surveys the wreck of the polling station. He considers Chase and Randall’s bodies. His lips move silently as he counts off the captives.
HOWARD (cont’d)Since Margaret’s not helping me with strategy anymore, I want each of their bodies across the two exterior doors.
FLETCH Isn’t it better to be off to the side, respectful?
HOWARD Meat doesn’t get respect. They’ll serve me better as tripping hazards for the cops and a warning to the rest of you.
Election staff exchange alarmed looks, gasps of alarm.
HOWARD(cont’d)Fletch, Vicky and Kyle, move Randall. You make a move to flee, and Savine dies next. Her life is in your hands.
HOWARD Sorry, I ennie meanie minny mo’ed, Savine lost.
VICKY Please, don’t do this. There’s been enough death.
Howard LAUGHS.
HOWARD If you don’t want Savine shot, then don’t run. It’s that simple. If you behave, maybe I won’t have to shoot anyone else. Move him. Now.
KYLE We can move him without Vicky.
Kyle and Fletch stand up and move to Randall.
JOYCE Kyle, do nothing for him.
KYLE Gran, we just need to stay calm, keep our heads, do as he says. You heard him, we won’t die if we listen.
Joyce shakes her head.
JOYCE Keep them, loose them, it’s all the same to him.
Howard LAUGHS at Joyce.
With Kyle at Randall’s head and Fletch at his feet, they drag Randall to the exterior door that Surjit and Dolores escaped from.
Fletch glances at the door and then to Kyle. His upper lip is bathed in sweat. He swallows.
Kyle opens his eyes wide in horror. He pulls his end of Randall faster to block Fletch from bolting.
Fletch pleads with his eyes for Kyle to bolt with him.
KYLE (sotto voice) Savine.
Fletch shrugs and looks pointedly at the door.
Kyle blocks the door with his body.
Fletch is heartbroken.
HOWARD You don’t seem to hold your fellow captives in much esteem, I guess you don’t think they count. And she’s such a pretty girl.
Howard holds the gun under Fletch’s chin.
Howard (cont’d)But then, pretty girls probably haven’t been kind to you for your whole uncounted life.
Fletch’s eyes plead with the captives to rush Howard.
FLETCH Please, don’t, don’t, I have too much to live for.
HOWARD Really? What? Role playing and video games? Sci-Fi conventions? I’ll be doing the world a favour taking your geek ass out of it.
Fletch flinches at the brutal words, panicking, his mouth opening and closing.
Howard cocks the gun.
In blind panic, Fletch looks to Margaret. She encourages him. He finds calm and dignity at last, and gives his best attempt at Margaret’s earlier heroic blank stand.
FLETCH My novel, I could finish my novel.
Howard nods, considering this possibility. He steps away from Fletch.
Fletch breaks the blank expression and gives an encouraging grin to the other captives.
Howard is puzzled, concerned. He steps back in Fletch’s face.
HOWARD Is it a science fiction novel?
FLETCH Yeah, it’s got these Amazon-
Howard pulls the trigger.
Blood and brain matter spatter the wall, door and Kyle.
Kyle, SCREAMING, jumps sideways, wiping at his eyes, smearing the gore off his face.
Margaret, Vicky, Savine, and Joyce SCREAM.
Fletch’s body teeters and then crashes on top of Randall.
Joyce runs to Kyle, patting him for wounds, wiping his face with a handkerchief.
JOYCE Are you hurt?
His back to Howard, Kyle sobs and clutches Joyce. KYLE (crying)We listened to him, we listened. Joyce maneuvers herself to push Kyle out, one hand on the door handle, the other on his shoulder. HOWARD Life lesson, never put off for tomorrow what you could do yesterday.
Howard grabs Kyle by the back of his shirt and heaves him back towards the other women. Joyce has her hand on the door handle. Howard glares at her.
HOWARD (cont’d)You know I would have shot you for that.
JOYCE I’m old, I’ll die soon anyway. He’s my only grandson.
Howard sizes her up. He slams his hand over hers on the door handle. Joyce CRIES OUT from pain. Kyle stops crying and moves back. Savine and Vicky hold him
Howard opens the door, he sees POLICE running across the playing field to the school. He shoves Joyce so that she trips over Fletch’s body and
falls outside. She lands hard on her side, bashing her hip and elbow. JOYCE (cont’d)
What are you doing? Kyle! Joyce scrambles to her feet. Howard SLAMS the door shut.
Margaret, pants soaked with Randall’s blood, rocks to self-comfort.
Vicky and Savine cry on each other.
Kyle sits down, utterly lost without Joyce and with the gore from Fletch drying on his skin and clothes.
Howard paces, studying the room layout.
JOYCE (OS) (cont’d)Give me my grandson!
Howard Can’t trust anyone. I just ask one simple thing, block a door. I told him, I told him not to try to run away.
SAVINE Please, please don’t hurt us anymore.
HOWARD You’re the last one who should complain.
Savine cries out, and then clutches herself tightly, trying to become smaller.
Howard is oddly touched.
Howard paces, hitting the palms of his gun-free hand against his temples.
HOWARD (cont’d)Why won’t you stop making me kill you people?
Margaret’s phone RINGS.
Howard waves at her with his gun to answer.
Everyone but Howard jumps.
Howard smiles, and then is very calm. Too calm.
EXT. SCHOOL. CONTINUOUS Joyce bangs on the door. JOYCE PLEASE! Give me Kyle! Lana and Tanya run around the side of the school. LANA Mom! Lana runs and clutches at Joyce. TANYA We have to get away from the door, he might come out. Tanya grabs Lana’s arm and starts to pull her away. JOYCE
Lana, your son is in there! Lana pounds on the door. Tanya shoves her way in front of Lana.
TANYA We can’t help if we give him more captives.
Lana looks at Tanya and then at Joyce. The fight goes out of Lana and she nods. The three women move back to the parking lot to await help.
Margaret answers. She keeps her eyes on Howard, she’s unnerved by his calmness.
Howard takes a seat and looks around the room.
MARGARET (on phone) Hello?
(filtered)Margaret? You weren’t supposed to hang up. The phone list got misplaced.
Howard frowns. He looks at the door where Randall and Fletch’s bodies are stacked and how close the remaining workers are huddled to it.
(on phone)Our captor was worried about my minutes. Fletch is dead.
(filtered)Police are on their way. Can you tell me who’s there and alive? Mike has come into the office and they weren’t sure.
MARGARET Is it okay if I tell them who’s here?
Howard shrugs. He loads another bullet in the gun.
MARGARET (cont’d)
(on phone)Kyle, Savine, Vicky and me are alive and not wounded inside. He threw Joyce outside. She’s not shot, but she might be hurt from falling.
(chokes back a sob)Randall died from his wound.
(filtered)I’m going to hand you over to the police, pretend it’s still me you’re talking to.
(on phone)I’m pretty sure our captor thinks I’m already talking to the police.
Howard looks surprised.
HOWARD You’re not yet? Tsk, Tsk. That seems a bit slipshod to me.
MARGARET The cop is coming on line now.
LT. HARRIS (OS) (filtered) Margaret, I’m Lt. Harris.
MARGARET (on phone) Hello Lt Harris.
Howard mimics her.
HOWARD Fuck, it’s like being back in school. Were you a teacher’s pet or tattle tale in school, Margaret?
VICKY You expect she should be protecting you?
Howard points the gun at Vicky and raises an eyebrow.
Vicky shuts up and closes her eyes.
LT. HARRIS (OS) (filtered) There are five of you?
Vicky reaches up and pulls off the small gold cross from around her neck. She crumples it into a ball and lets it drop to the floor.
(on phone)Yes, well four, Joyce was thrown out.
Howard rolls his eyes.
LT HARRIS (OS) (filtered) Thrown out?
(on phone)He…pushed Joyce outside. He let her go.
HOWARD Tell him it was to be crueller, not because I’m kind to old women. Don’t give him false hope I can be reasoned with.
LT HARRIS (OS)(filtered)Ah. I see. Well, how many dead?
(on phone)Three. Chase, Randall and Fletch. You’ll have to ask Fiona for their last names, I’ve misplaced my staff list.
(filtered)I have it already. Has he made any demands? Told you his name?
Margaret starts with a shock of memory.
(on phone)Lt. Haris, he said his apartment has some surprise for the police, it’s in four blocks of the school. And we just heard an explosion.
LT HARRIS(OS)(filtered)What?
Howard beams with unabashed pride.
(on phone)He came from killing his wife, he was running across the field, and
(trying not to cry) I called him in here.
Howard SNORTS derisively at mention of the ex-wife.
LT HARRIS (OS)(filtered to someone at
the district office)Call Constable Demers, I think this hostage taker is his suspect!
(filtered to Margaret)Margaret, stay calm. Can I talk to him?
MARGARET (on phone) I’m about out of calm. (to Howard) He wants to talk to you.
Margaret holds out the phone.
Howard stands up.
HOWARD Everyone move to the other end of the gym, away from the doors.
Mechanically, Vicky, Savine, Kyle all move to the inside corner.
Margaret hands Howard the phone.
Howard takes it. He walks behind to keep a watchful eye on his captives.
HOWARD (cont’d) (on phone) Yes, Lt Harris?
LT. HARRIS (OS) (filtered) What’s your name?
HOWARD Howard Taylor.
Savine weeps harder but silently, she eyes the doors leading into the school.
Vicky holds the locket close to her chest, but she’s breathing hard with an anxiety attack.
Kyle helps Vicky get to the bench against the wall opposite the doors to the school.
Margaret eyes the distance to the inside door and to Howard.
Howard uses his jacket sleeve to wipe off bits of Fletch. Some blood has already dried, giving Howard a tribal warrior fierce appearance.
LT. HARRIS (OS) (filtered) Can I call you Howard?
HOWARD (on phone) Doesn’t matter me to, Harris.
(filtered)What can I get you to let those remaining people out of there?
(on phone)Shouldn’t you be trying to befriend me first?
(filtered)You’re too smart for that Howard. Were you at Carole Simpson’s apartment earlier?
(on phone)With her having a restraining order against me? Gosh, officer, no, I was not over at her place earlier killing her with a deep laceration severing her left Achilles,
The captives are in open mouthed horror at his litany.
Howard positions himself between his cornered captives and the inside gym door. He makes menacing gestures as he describes Carol’s murder.
HOWARD (cont’d)
(on phone)three stab wounds to her lower abdomen, I don’t know how many defensive wounds to her arms, I lost count after twenty, and I certainly did not leave the butcher knife shoves through her throat.
(filtered)Howard, you’re out of options, you’re boxed in. We’ve got police around the school. Make it easier on you and everyone and come out.
(on phone)If you want these people, you’re going to have to come in and get them. If you’re not too busy at my apartment.
Margaret nudges Vicky and nods slightly to the interior door.
Vicky looks across the gym at the bodies. She rubs her neck where her cross once hung.
LT. HARRIS (OS)(filtered)Are your neighbors are in danger?
(on phone)Any still alive would be, my apartment building exploded a few minutes ago.
(filtered)Your neighbors are innocent bystanders, there was no reason to put them in danger.
(on phone)You forget that I know them and you don’t. Besides, why given them more consideration than these innocent bystanders at the polling station? Like anyone is really innocent anymore.
Margaret groans.
(filtered)I don’t think people deserve to be harmed.
(on phone)Everyone deserves it, it’s not my fault.
(To Margaret) No plotting to take me down. Remember Fletch.
Everyone slumps against the wall, defeated.
Margaret looks at Vicky clutching her locket, then looks down at her feet.
(filtered)We’d really like to get the election staff out of harm’s way.
HOWARD (on phone) Come and get them.
Howard hangs up.
Margaret, Vicky and Kyle stand to their feet.
Savine slides down to the floor, curling into a foetal position, keening softly.
Howard walks partway to the captives and tosses the phone to Margaret.
She steps forward to catch it.
MARGARET You’re not releasing us. You’re really not.
HOWARD Hope really was really the evilest thing in Pandora’s box.
MARGARET Because it makes us keep trying?
Howard smiles.
HOWARD If I had met you before Carole, maybe things would have been different for me.
MARGARET You don’t handle rejection well, so I don’t think so.
Howard gives Margaret a hard look.
HOWARD Just, out of hand, no? No thought at all that you might have liked me without the guns?
MARGARET How about we just leave it at, you’re not my type.
He looks at Vicky and Savine; then back to Margaret.
HOWARD Pity. I enjoyed sparring with you.I expect the police to come in with guns blazing.
MARGARET And kill us for you?
HOWARD They’re making me do it in the first place. What’s the difference if they do it directly?
MARGARET Who my partner sues for wrongful death.
Howard laughs.
HOWARD I like you, I hope you die last.
MARGARET I thought you liked me.
HOWARD As much as I can like anybody. I just wish you would understand that it’s not me responsible, it’s the police.
MARGARET Dead is dead, no matter who’s responsible.
Margaret looks at Randall’s body.
HOWARD If you rush me, I’ll shoot and it will be over sooner.
Howard looks up and down the row of crying or praying captives.
HOWARD (cont’d)I’ll make it a surprise. Don’t think I can’t overpower you, I’m stronger than you are.
SIRENS approach.
The captives perk up.
Howard LAUGHS.
HOWARD (cont’d)I need volunteers to move the other guy’s body to that door.
MARGARET Chase’s body.
Margaret steps forward.
HOWARD I want you with me. Kyle and Savine, you do it.
MARGARET Kyle, Savine, just make a run for it.
HOWARD They run and I shoot you.
Vicky looks back and forth between them.
HOWARD (cont’d)And her.
Vicky weeps.
MARGARET Kyle and Savine, I want you to run. Sorry Vicky, but rescue ops are about numbers saved. Nothing personal.
VICKY None taken.
KYLE I can’t leaving knowing he’s going to shoot you.
Margaret tears up. MARGARET He’s going to shoot us anyway. Save
yourselves. POLICE SIRENS are louder. Kyle helps Savine up from the floor. Savine pulls herself together. She looks at Margaret in awe. Kyle smiles at Savine. Savine smiles back.
HOWARD Cool it lovebirds, no room for you or rest for the wicked.
Kyle and Savine drag Chase’s body to the far external door without bodies already in front of it. A dark streak of blood marking their progress.
Margaret stands up and faces Howard, ready to be shot. Vicky stands with her back to Howard, ready to be shot, but not wanting to see it coming.
SIRENS STOP, MOVEMENT ON GRAVEL SOUNDS. HOWARD (cont’d)Get back quick now. Savine straightens up and looks at Kyle. SAVINE Margaret said to run. Savine puts her hand on the door handle. KYLE I will stop you.
Smoke hangs in the air, the source the few blocks away apartment. A dim glow of fire from a western direction.
Police vehicles flash lights. Barricades set up.
Critical incident command in the parking lot.
A police van with snipers pulls up.
Police hustle to search the grounds, set up sniper coverage.
Lt. Harris (late 40’s, haggard) sits at a table, in the parking lot.
On the table are crime scene photos from Carol’s, Howard’ early evening victim. Glimpses of parts of the photos show her apartment ripped apart, blood spatter, her legs over the edge of the bed, a torn bloodied cover from Ayn Rand’s The Fountainhead.
Mike and Melda, wait anxiously nearby.
Joyce, limping, and Lana and Tanya are escorted by a FLAKJACKETED OFFICER to the command centre.
MIKE He didn’t seem to want anything, he didn’t make demands.
MELDA He didn’t seem to have planned to be there.
JOYCE Fine for you two to pretend to be experts now, running away like you did, leaving the rest of us to be shot.
MIKE Someone had to get the police, better that some survived than none.
JOYCE Hmmpff, all depends on who makes it out if it was worth it.
(to Joyce)The purpose of a rescue operation is to get as many out, not pick and choose who gets out.
(to all)
We’re going to establish contact again.
Joyce limps off to the side with Lana fussing over her. She clearly disagrees with Lt. Harris, but has enough sense not to distract him.
TANYA You’ve got to get my Mom out of there.
JOYCE And my grandson, which he should have already been out if he’d listened.
LT. HARRIS We’re going to do our best to get everyone out.
(to Joyce) And you are?
JOYCE I’m Joyce, that madman just threw me out. Me, an old woman, thrown like so much garbage.
LT. HARRIS You were just inside?
JOYCE I think I just said that.
LT. HARRIS Sorry, Ma’am, I need you to sit down and tell me the layout inside. Can you draw everyone’s positions for me?
He pushes paper and a pencil to her.
Joyce draws out the gym, showing the tables and then putting circles along the wall near the exterior exit for Margaret, Vicky, Savine and Kyle.
She marks two X’s near the door nearest to them and another one by a poll station.
LT. HARRIS (cont’d)What are these X’s?
JOYCE Bodies.
LT. HARRIS By the door?
JOYCE He wanted them stacked to be a tripping hazard. He made some move Randal and one of the men, he shot right by the door.
LT. HARRIS Okay, we’re going to try to talk to him again.
JOYCE He doesn’t want anything except to die with as many people as he can.
Mike grabs Melda. Both weep with guilt and relief.
LT. HARRIS Folks, do you want to go home, get some rest? You can take my card, it’s got victim services number on the back.
MIKE I feel like we should stay, we’ve worked with some of those people before, I feel like I abandoned them, I couldn’t get everyone out.
Lt. Harris stands up and holds his hand out to Mike.
Mike looks at the hand and then shakes it, confused.
LT. HARRIS You got yourself and three other people out of a dangerous situation, that’s nothing to be ashamed of.
Lt. Harris walks Mike a little ways away from the group.
MIKE I just feel like I could have done more, saved more, if maybe I’d rushed him from behind…
LT. HARRIS We can’t know, ever, but you need to consider that Howard Taylor, that’s his name, is not planning to be taken alive.
You and your wife could just as easily be marked as x’s on that floorplan.
Mike shivers.
In the background, Lana fusses over Joyce, making sure she’s not hurt.
LT. HARRIS (cont’d)Hostage situations are about minimizing the number of deaths, there’s no way we can prevent all of them, as much as we want to be able to.
MIKE How do you pick out who lives and who died?
In the background, Melda gives comfort to Tanya.
LT. HARRIS I don’t pick, I just get out the ones I have the opportunity for, there’s no prioritizing, any life saved is a worthy life.
MIKE I guess that’s what I did, just took the ones nearest the door. I don’t know if I would have left Melda in there. I guess I was lucky I didn’t have to pick between her and someone else.
Lt. Harris claps him on the shoulder.
LT. HARRIS You would have done the same, saved as many as you could.
MIKE I’d like to think so, but…
Mike looks at Melda comforting Tanya.
MIKE (cont’d)I couldn’t leave, knowing what they are going through inside.
Media Vans line the street. REPORTERS lined up on the sidewalk doing checks with their CAMERA AND SOUND CREWS.
MIKE (cont’d)I promised Margaret I’d help take down the tables.
Mike laughs and cries.
Camera flashes from the media scrum illuminate the scene into a near strobe tableau.
Kyle marches Savine back to the other end of the gym.
Margaret looks disappointed at Kyle.
Kyle can’t meet Margaret’s eyes.
Vicky smiles reassuringly at Kyle.
Savine glowers at them all.
Howard paces.
He checks that Randall and Fletch’s bodies are blocking the one door and Chase’s the other.
Margaret looks with concern at the asymmetrical arrangement of bodies and then at her co-captives.
Howard also looks at them, and then back to Chase’s body. Howard looks at his captives.
HOWARD I need another body there. (looks at the interior door) And two there.
(looks at captives)And I have four, leaving one shield, three entrances. Not good, not good at all.
He paces, avoiding the blood puddles and streaks.
VICKY And you were worried what the principal would think if people brought dogs in.
MARGARET Yeah, doubt she’s going to be willing to rent out to another election.
Vicky and Margaret LAUGH.
Savine looks at them incredulous.
SAVINE How can you possibly find anything funny?
MARGARET Seriously, how can you not?
VICKY It’s a coping mechanism, Savine. Ignore us.
KYLE I’m thirsty.
Howard stops pacing.
HOWARD And? How am I supposed to react to that?
KYLE All the coolers have water bottles, can I get one for everyone. You could have one too.
Howard gives Kyle a hard look, trying to figure out the trick.
KYLE (cont’d)I’m just thirsty. I thought others might be too.
Howard moves over to a cooler and opens it. There’s some food and water bottles.
Howard kicks the cooler over to the captives. It scratches across the painted basketball court, through the streak of Chase’s blood, leaving a faint trail in its own wake.
Kyle pulls out bottles of water and passes them out to each captive.
Savine drinks too fast and gets hiccups.
Margaret takes a deep swig.
Vicky portions her sips.
MARGARET I don’t know how well we can scare you to stop your hiccups, Savine.
Savine scowls at first and then sees the humour. She smiles weakly.
SAVINE I don’t know how much more scaring I can take.
Savine holds her breath.
Howard kicks over another cooler, spilling the water, food wrappers and remaining snacks on the floor.
Savine squeaks in fright at the noise, her hiccups cured.
He picks up a bottle and opens it one handed. He drinks.
HOWARD Good idea, kid, didn’t realize how thirsty I was.
KYLE Glad to be of assistance, maybe you could do something nice for us?
HOWARD Letting you go is not on par with reminding me to hydrate.
KYLE Then, just let one go.
HOWARD And how would you chose that one? Yourself? Or one of the women?
Kyle looks at each of the women.
HOWARD (cont’d)The youngest with the most life left? Or the oldest, with the most number of people who’s lives they’ve touched? Who in the room counts enough in your mind to live?
Savine looks hopefully at Kyle.
Margaret and Vicky don’t make eye contact with anyone.
Vicky holds her locket pendant.
Margaret flips open her cell phone, scrolling the photos of her 2 dogs, 2 cats and a photo of her with a woman.
She kisses her finger tip and then touches the tiny screen.
KYLE Those are all pretty good ways to decide who to live.
HOWARD No, they are not.
KYLE How would you decide then?
HOWARD I thought you were smart.
KYLE What I don’t get is, why are you saying all these life lessons, if you’re not going to allow us any life to put them in practise?
Howard smirks.
HOWARD The little appeaser finds some spine after all. All right, who do you pick to go out the door?
Kyle stands up.
KYLE There’s only one person who’s leaving would really count, only one who deserves to go out that door. Will you let the person I pick leave?
Howard gives Kyle an indulgent bemused look.
HOWARD If you can name the person and give me a really strong reason why they count over the others, yes.
Real hope washes over Margaret, Vicky and Savine.The Exhaustion and terror melt in the wake of such hope. Howard looks sceptical at Kyle.
KYLE Howard, you hold the power of death over us, you are the only one who counts enough to go out the door.
HOWARD Smartass fuckwit! Don’t pull that shrink crap on me again!
Howard steps forward and grabs the front of Kyle’s shirt and
smacks Kyle hard across the face with his gun. Kyle grabs Howard in a bear hug and tries to get the second gun from Howard’s waistband.
Margaret drops her cell and rushes to help Kyle. Vicky is hot on Margaret’s heels. Savine runs for the door with only Chase’s body blocking it. Kyle’s hand comes up, but with a bad grip on the gun. Howard kicks Kyle backwards. Kyle falls and lands badly on his knee and elbow. Howard tracks Savine with the gun. Margaret trips over Kyle, face diving to the floor, and
sliding a few feet. Vicky jumps over Kyle like a hurdle. Howard FIRES at Savine, hitting her in the arm. Savine clutches her arm, but keeps running.
EXT. SCHOOL. CONTINUOUS Outside the door, snipers are lined up. SNIPER ONE Shots inside!
Vicky dives over Margaret and hits the ground in a roll towards Howard’s feet. Savine reaches over Chase’s body and throws open the doors.
He’s coming out, hold-Howard fires wild. The bullet enters Savine’s shoulder and explodes out the other side.
POLICE VOICE (OS) (cont’d)
Fire! Fire! Vicky connects with Howard’s legs and he falls backwards. His head just narrowly missing the edge of a table.
Savine’s face is white with shock. Blood droplets hang
impossibly in the air before spattering the police outside. Spotlights flood the doorway, hitting Savine like a Broadway show as FOUR FLAK JACKETED COPS FIRE into the gym.
Savine’s body dances in the spotlight with each bullet
impact. Other bullets tear into ballot boxes still on tables, the cardboard shredding and ballots falling to the floor.
Her body fall backwards, completing the Randall/Fletch and Chase/Savine symmetry of blocking the doors. Kyle is hit in the leg, his knee erupting in gore. LT. HARRIS (OS)Stop firing! Who ordered-The doors swing shut.
Howard picks up his hand gun and stands. Savine’s bullet riddled body lays with her feet perched on Chase.
HOWARD Now I just need two for the inside door.
LT. HARRIS Set up for battering rams at all the doors. Be ready in 10 minutes.
Lt. Harris walks back around the corner to the incident command table.
EXT. PARKING LOT – CONTINUOUS Mike and Melda hold hands anxiously. Lana and Joyce are sobbing. Tanya throws up in nearby bushes. CST. DEMERS (late 20’s) waits at the table.
LT. HARRIS Demers. CST. DEMERS Lt. Harris, any word from inside? LT. HARRIS
Another dead, a young woman. Lt. Harris picks up a sheet of paper with the listing of election staff.
LT. HARRIS (cont’d)Savine Laberge. Melda cries against Mike’s chest.
He marks another X on the floor plan by the door. He circles Margaret Thompson’s name and makes a question mark.
LT. HARRIS (cont’d)What do you have on Howard Taylor? Cst. Demers pulls a file folder out of his briefcase. LT. HARRIS (cont’d)Give me the highlights.
CST. DEMERS He has a long rap sheet of B&Es, car thefts, nothing violent. No drugs.
Lt. Harris nods.
LT. HARRIS What about Carol Simpson?
CST. DEMERS Ex-wife, they separated a year ago, finalizing the divorce, he refused a lawyer and has fought every step of it. She got a restraining order a week ago. He’s uttered threats.
LT. HARRIS Does he have any family local? Anyone we could get down here to talk to him?
Cst. Demers flips through the file.
LT. HARRIS (cont’d)Contact the fire department about that fire a few blocks away, he said it’s his apartment…
Lt. Harris looks at the POLICE OFFICERS running around, preparing for the operation.
He looks across the parking lot to the milling media being barely held at bay.
Kyle clutches his leg, sobbing. Blood seeps from between his fingers.
Margaret and Vicky huddle close together.
Howard is strangely calm, almost serene, a gun in each hand.
Howard limps over to Vicky.
HOWARD That was a hell of a tackle.
VICKY I coach a junior football team.
Howard smiles at Vicky, almost respectfully.
VICKY (cont’d)We’re quite the diverse, community oriented group you’ve stumbled into.
HOWARD Don’t try to make yourselves out to be individual people. The lesson of Kyle is don’t pull shrink tricks on me.
MARGARET Is that just in case one of us accidently meets whatever criteria you have it in your head that makes us count?
HOWARD Margaret, it’s not up to me who counts. The cops killed Savine. They made me kill Carole, my wife that I love.
Vicky and Margaret exchanged resigned, tired looks.
KYLE You don’t really expect sympathy from us, do you?
HOWARD No, and it wouldn’t help you even if I thought for a moment it would be sincere.
Howard looks back and forth between Kyle and Savine.
HOWARD (cont’d)So, attractiveness is your counts criteria?
Anger flashes across Kyle’s face. He balls his fists and tries to stand. Kyle SCREAMS and falls back down.
HOWARD (cont’d)Ah, ah ah, I still have my loaded guns.
KYLE I reject your elitist who counts. No one is better or more worthy than anyone else.
Howard gives Kyle a condescending look.
Are you hoping that that’s the
majic answer?
Kyle swallows hard.
HOWARD (cont’d)
The naivete of youth. Of course
only some people count, it’s why
there’s mostly white men in the
halls of government power.
Howard looks mockingly at Margaret.
HOWARD (cont’d)
White, straight men. Oh, wait, I
forgot, no political discussions
allowed in the polling station.
Not much of a polling station
anymore, is it?
HOWARD It never was.
Howard paces.
HOWARD (cont’d)
Margaret, since you were so helpful
before thinking like a criminal,
what do you suppose our police
friends are outside doing?
Answer me! We deserve to know why
you’re going to kill us.
HOWARD Based on what?
Kyle stammers.
HOWARD (cont’d)
Courtesy? Decency? If I have any of
that, would I be killing anyone?
KYLE It’s not fair!
Based on what? Is it fair to be
killed by a drunk driver? Is it
fair to get a disease and die
before the doctors can identify it?
Is it fair that Africa starves to
death and a whole generation is
orphaned by AIDS?
Kyle opens and shuts his mouth, at a loss for words.
HOWARD (cont’d)
I’m not some crazy guy with guns, I
know what’s going on in the world.
But you answer this, Kyle. Is it
fair that someone you loved with
all your heart, cheats on you,
leaves you, turns the police on you
when you try to make her stay?
Your wife left you and it’s the
whole world that has to pay for it?
Is is fair that a woman can take
every thing you worked for your
whole life? You worked for her, and
she cheats, she walks away, she
kills your baby and then she gets
the police on her side. Where’s the
fair for me?
The world is unfair, but you can’t
make the whole world pay for it’s
natural condition.
Not the whole world, just the ones
I could take out. On the balance of
everything else, it only seems fair
to me to spread the pain around.
VICKY Are you serious or teasing us?
Margaret moves quickly back to the corner to get it.
HOWARD Leave it, I don’t want to talk to Harris.
Margaret stands near the phone, her eyes tearing.
MARGARET But, it’s our last chance before…
Howard advances on Vicky.
HOWARD I’m not the bad guy here, I don’t have to spill my guts and motivations for the dastardly things I’m made to do, I’m not trying to take over the world, or even make it pay. I’m trying to get out of this world of pain.
Howard leans close into Vicky’s face.
HOWARD (cont’d)
(screaming)You should thank me for sparing you from any more pain.
VICKY I’ll take my chances on life, there’s a lot of potential joy you are denying me, and I won’t thank you for that.
Howard backs off.
HOWARD I never get any credit for anything I do for people.
LT. HARRIS (into walkie talkie)No answer. On my mark, 10, 9, 8…
Margaret looks past Howard to the interior gym door.
MARGARET I can’t stand looking at the bodies anymore.
HOWARD Would you rather join a pile or start one?
MARGARET Respect the dead.
HOWARD Respect is earned, not bestowed.
KYLE What about bribed?
HOWARD Bribed? What can you possibly bribe me with?
KYLE Money. Sex. Whatever you want.
HOWARD I’m guessing you’re strongly counting on my being straight, having had a wife and all.
Howard cocks the gun.
HOWARD (cont’d)Don’t you move away Margaret, I’d like this next shot to be a surprise for Kyle.
Howard aims.
HOWARD (cont’d)Oh, and this one’s Kyle’s fault, not Margaret’s.
The Interior Door and Exterior eastern door by Chase/Savine EXPLODE OPEN.
SERIES OF SLOW CHAOTIC SHOTS Vicky dives for a polling station table. Margaret drops and rolls to the base of the wall to the east. Kyle sprawls to the floor and crawls west. Howard fires at Kyle, hitting him in the injured knee. The Interior door police fall into position. Blood sprays as Kyle’s leg severs. Kyle grabs ar his leg to
staunch the heavy bleeding, SCREAMING.
An Interior door police officer takes careful aim and shoots Howard in the back. Howard fires at Margaret, hitting her in the shoulder. Howard spins around, firing with one hand at Vicky, missing
her, but striking the table. The other he fires wildly at the
interior door police. Splinters fly from the table, raining down on Vicky. She is cut on her cheek and her arms.
Howard’s body is momentarily held in place by the force of the cross fire. A beatific smile on his face as he death- dances while blossoms of blood erupt all over his body.
His eyes open, the smile stuck on his face.
Bullet riddled, blood streaming from his mouth, expressionless, Howard falls to his knees. His body a riot of red blossoms, his groin wet with urine.
He falls over, his hand gun skittering away.
His pool of blood reaches some loose ballots, soaking them.
KYLE Help me!
The police fan out in the room. Some police move the bodies for the paramedics to get in with gurneys.
Ambulance attendants follow quickly, a team of two paramedics to each of Margaret, Kyle and Vicky.
The gym is in complete opposition to the opening scene. Tables knock over, ballot boxes opened, ballots and elections books laying everywhere.
Coats, and coolers with contents of partially eaten snacks, bottles of soda and water, some empty, some in puddles of their own fluids cause by bullet holes.
Elections and school posters riddled with bullets, spattered with blood.
The police emerge from the side of the school and enter the parking lot, followed by the paramedics. Camera flashes illuminate the scene like daylight. The paramedics bring Kyle out first. Lana and Joyce descend on him, fussing over him.
JOYCE You should have run when I told you.
LANA My baby! Lana tries to hug him.
KYLE’S PARAMEDIC Ma’am, would you like to ride to the hospital?
Lana sees Kyle’s leg below the knee is missing. LANA Oh my gawd, Kyle! Your leg! Lana and Joyce sob.
(trying to be flip)I guess I can forget that hockey career now.
Kyle breaks down crying.
JOYCE We’ll follow. Lana, where’ the car?
LANA I’m going in the ambulance. I just thank God you’re alive. Nothing else matters.
Mike steps into the fray.
MIKE I have your car keys, Lana, you go in the ambulance, I’ll bring your mother in your car.
Lana hugs Mike gratefully and then climbs into the ambulance with Kyle.
The ambulance pulls out the parking lot, it’s flashing lights nearly lost amidst the tv camera lights and newspaper camera flashes.
Mike and Joyce head to Lana’s car.
MELDA I’ll wait to see if I can retrieve our belongings and car keys.
Mike gives her a grim nod.
Paramedics bring Vicky around the corner.
VICKY I don’t need to go to the hospital, or be on a stretcher, it’s just a scratch.
Tanya runs to her mother.
VICKY Tanya!
Vicky tries to get off the gurney. The paramedics stop her.
VICKY’S PARAMEDIC Ma’am, please stay on the bed.
Tanya throws herself on her mother. The paramedics stop the gurney until they calm down.
They both weep.
TANYA I was so scared for you, I thought, oh mom.
VICKY’S PARAMEDIC Ma’am, miss, we need to check you out at the hospital.
TANYA I’m coming.
VICKY’S PARAMEDIC No problem, there’s room for one passenger.
Tanya looks funny at Vicky.
TANYA Where’s your cross?
VICKY I don’t have a use for it anymore.
Vicky is loaded into the ambulance. Tanya climbs into the front passenger seat.
The ambulance exits the parking lot amid camera flashes and with several news reporters posing in front of cameras.
TV NEWS REPORTER And so the second survivor of the Election Massacre is taken to hospital….
Lt. Harris shakes his head.
The coroner’s wagon pulls into the parking lot.
The police keep the reporters at bay.
Cst. Demers appears beside Lt. Harris.
CST. DEMERS You’ll have to talk to them.
LT. HARRIS Yeah, I just hate it, does there have to be reporters?
CST. DEMERS They keep democracy honest.
LT. HARRIS So they claim. I just wish they didn’t count so much.
Lt. Harris watches the officers enter and exit the equipment van. The swat squads pulling out.
Regular officers securing the school doors.
Margaret is brought out on a gurney. Her cell phone glued to her ear.
(on phone)Fiona, you have to get Tyler and an elections crew down here to deal with the ballots. I’m going to the hospital.
Margaret hangs up the phone.
Lt. Harris approaches.
LT. HARRIS Ms. Thompson?
MARGARET The ballots.
LT. HARRIS The police will secure the ballots. Ms. Thompson, you’re injured.
MARGARET (cont’d) Lt. Harris?
He nods.
MARGARET (cont’d)If you don’t make them wait, then I will refuse treatment. And, as long as I am conscious, they can’t make me go.
LT. HARRIS They can give you a large dose of pain relievers and knock you out.
MARGARET That would constitute treatment against my will.
LT. HARRIS Are you a lawyer?
MARGARET Not exactly, I’m a litigation analyst for the Department of Justice.
Lt. Harris looks at the paramedics.
LT. HARRIS Can you let me talk to her a few minutes before transporting her? How serious is her injury?
MARGARET’S PARAMEDIC Shoulder injury, bullet went through, we’ve packed it. Time is always critical to recovery, but we can wait a few minutes.
LT. HARRIS Seems to me that you were holding things together in there.
MARGARET I’d like to say I was doing my job, but I was just terrified. So many deaths…
LT. HARRIS It wasn’t your fault.
MARGARET But it was.
LT. HARRIS Howard Taylor was a bomb that already went off, he did murder his ex-wife earlier. He rigged his apartment with explosives.
MARGARET And I called him into my polling station and set him loose on my staff. I should have just closed the door and let him go by. Civic duty, doing the right thing, that’s no comfort.
Lt. Harris looks helplessly at her.
He pulls out his card.
MARGARET (cont’d)Yeah, I know, victim services number on the back. I’ve read so many transcripts of crime scenes and now I get to star in one.
LT. HARRIS I know how bad survivor guilt can be.
MARGARET I don’t doubt you, but I’m not guilty that I survived, I’m angry at me for setting the stage for having to.
LT. HARRIS There’s no way you could have known, you handled the situation the best way you could have, you pulled two other people through. That counts for something.
Margaret LAUGHS bitterly.
MARGARET I guess it all depends on your point of view.
(to paramedics)Take me to the hospital, I’m not willing to put myself second to frigging ballots.
The paramedics take off the brakes and whisk Margaret to the last ambulance.
MARGARET (cont’d)You’ll run the sirens, right? This may be my only chance to enjoy them on a ride.
MARGARET’S PARAMEDIC You’ve earned them.
MARGARET Do cell phones work inside ambulances? I have to call my wife and let her know I’m gonna be late.
Lt. Harris walks to the reporter area.
Flash bulbs blank the screen to white.
Fade Out.